Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Mobile Phones: Resource or Distraction in Studies

Mobile phones: a resource or distraction in education Mobile phones are one of the greatest inventions of mankind. Through his invention he has created his own world at his fingertips. He has removed the hindrance of distance between him and the world. But the important question which needs to be answered now is what should be the role of mobile devices in the learning process? It has been a key factor contributing to bad grades, also several health related disorders among students, but on the other hand, mobile devices can help students with quick research and provide a vital communication link to their, classmates, and even teachers.Students who do subjects which require field work research will need cell phones while in the field. All modern cell phones can be used to take pictures in the field, create reports using simple word processing applications, save and submit data back to their schools. If their school has a remote storage facility, students can easily back up their field work notes, videos and picture on that server while in the field. Most mobile phone service providers offer cheap internet subscription packages, so students will find it easy to transfer data or make more extensive research online using their cell phone.Both parents and teachers will need to stay in touch with their children and students, so cell phones will make this communication simple. Also students use cell phones to join peer to peer discussions which can help them ask any thing educational during this discussion. This discussion can be hosted on online educational social networks like Piazza. com, this network has mobile phones apps which a student can install and join any academic discussion using their mobile phones. It is very important for students to be in position to learn from anywhere at any time.The education world is changing and many scholars are attending virtual classrooms. Online education is now becoming so popular than before, mobile phones have also helped in the growth of Mobile-Learning. Since today’s cell phones have more than one application, students will always get distracted in the quest of trying to discover and try out new cell phone applications. Female students are more likely to get distracted by mobile applications like Pinterest, Facebook or twitter, then for the male students, they can get distracted by cell phone game applications or video streaming applications.This continuous distraction will affect a student’s concentration in the classroom, and it can also distract other students around them. When it comes to exam time, they will resort to cheating. So they can decide to scan their notes on their cell phones or use text messaging service to cheat exams. Then some students can Google exam questions and copy whatever they find online, and in most cases this data published online is not correct which results into exam failure.This trend will only increase, and it's up to parents and teachers to balance t he pros and cons of using cell phones as part of the learning process. While there is no single solution, perhaps there are lessons to be learned from the early internet era. The internet was at first seen as a new frontier with dangers lurking behind each click, whereas today schools and parents have universally embraced the web as a medium for research, education and efficient communication. With appropriate safeguards and reasonable policies, perhaps cell phones and web-enabled smart phones can run a similar course.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Judaism, Islam, Christianity Essay

Judaism, Islam, and Christianity are all completely different religions from an outsider’s point of view. Yet, when you look at all three of them in depth, a person can find many of the same characteristics. From their origins to their life rituals, there are many differences and similarities between these three popular religions. Between the origins of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, there is much overlap. Judaism was started through the Patriarch and Matriarch of the faith, Abraham and Sarah. They bore a child together named Isaac, who Jewish people believe to be their ancestor. Jewish people call themselves Children of Israel, signifying their descent from Jacob. Also, Abraham had another son with a different woman. This son, Ishmael, is believed to be the ancestor of Islam. The origin of Christianity was from Jesus Christ, who they believe rose from the dead and is the Son of God. His followers, otherwise known as disciples, spread the religion after his death in 30 CE throughout the Roman Empire. It soon became the official religion in the empire with Emperor Constantine’s decision. It has so far spread worldwide and is the largest religion in the world with almost 2. 2 billion followers. The sacred writings of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have many similarities. Christianity and Judaism believe in the Old Testament, which in Judaist terms is the Tanakh. This consists of the Torah, the Neviim, and the Ketuvim. It tells of God making a covenant with people. They believe that Jesus is not the Son of God and that their saviour is still to come. Muslims follow the exact writings of the Qu’ran, which they believe their prophet Mohammed was told in a revelation from Allah. They also follow the Hadith and the Sunna, which are, in a way, different variations of Mohammad’s life and stories. They regard parts of the Old Testament and the Gospels as inspired, and believe the Qur’an to be a more final and complete copy. The places of worship between Judaism, Islam, and Christianity are quite different. People of Jewish faith observe the Sabbath and conduct their services in Synagogue or the Temple, Christians worship in churches, chapels, and cathedrals, and Muslims worship in Mosques. People of Jewish faith and Muslims do not allow statues in their worship places, stating that it takes away their attention from God and Allah and that it ruins their monotheistic belief. Roman Catholics do not worship statues or icons. In the Eastern Catholic churches, people viewed icons as a way to greater worship and they prayed to them for protection. In Judaism and Christianity, the Holy Land, being Israel, is considered a very sacred place due to the fact that Jesus was born there and lived there, and also because that was the land promised to Abraham. Rome is also considered a very sacred place to Christians because that is where the leader of their religion lives, otherwise known as the Pope. This is similar to Medina and Mecca in Islam due to the fact that their house of God, the Kaaba, is located there and is believed to be placed right underneath Heaven. The role of women between Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, although men and women are equal in the eyes of God, are similar. Traditional Judaism gives different roles for men and women. For example, Orthodox men and women worship separately. This is in comparison to Muslims, where the Qur’an treats men and women as equals. This is close to Christianity, where everyone is equal under God. This allows women and men to be equal. For example, both genders can attend worship at the same time in the same place. Unfortunately, women are oppressed in today’s Muslim society due to Sharia law, which they believe is the law of Allah. It often discriminates against women and strips them of their rights. For example, a women’s word does not count as much as a man’s. This is similar to Christianity where women can not become ordained priests and are not given equality within in the Church. Also, men and women worship separately in Islam, which shows similarities to Orthodox Judaism. The symbols of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are very much different. The Star of David is named after King David, who had a shield with a star on it. It has seven spaces, including the separate points and the centre. This number seven is very important within the Jewish faith due to the six days of creation including the seventh day of rest. The menorah, another sacred Jewish symbol, also represents the seven days of creation. It is referred to as the â€Å"tree of life† because it has seven branches. The Mezuzah is also another sacred object. It contains the Shema written on a parchment. The most sacred ritual object in the Jewish faith is the Torah Scroll. It is the centre of Jewish life because it is used to teach, and it has the Five Books of Moses inscribed in it. In comparison to Judaism, the symbols for Christianity are few. They regard bread as Jesus’ body, which they call the Eucharist. They also believe that wine is Jesus’ blood. They drink and eat these at masses in remembrance of the Last Supper and the sacrifice that Jesus gave to them to wash away their sins. They regard the cross as a symbol of the sacrifice as well. Ichthus, the symbol of a fish, is a symbol for Christianity. In Islam, the Tawhid is the concept of monotheism. It holds God as one and unique. The crescent star is widely used as a symbol on Islamic flags. When babies are born in Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, there are many rituals that they attend to. In Judaism, they believe in having the baby circumcised, which they call a Brit milah. Muslims also believe in having their sons circumcised. In Christianity, they believe in baptising the baby by a Priest to rid it of its original sin. In Islam, they believe in whispering the call to prayer in the baby’s right ear, making sure that it is the first sound they hear. Also, there is a naming ceremony where close friends and family gather to decide on the child’s name. Each of these rituals is different, leading to diversity between religions. During a marriage in Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, one must use different rituals to attend to the needs of their religion. In Judaism, the couple stands under a canopy where the Rabbi reads from the Torah. Also, the marriage becomes official when the partners give something of value to each other, such as rings. In Islam, many marriages are arranged and polygamy is allowed. They see marriages as a way to gain political advantage and to tie one family to another. This is not the case with Christianity. When you marry under God in a church, they do not permit divorces unless the circumstances are dire. You exchange rings as a sign of the vow you have given to the other person. Also, you are a couple under God and are expected to baptise your children. When it comes to death in Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, there are different ways to go about it. In Judaism, a shitting shiva takes place, where the family member mourns for a period of seven days. In Islam, the family member is quickly wrapped and buried. They are then pointed towards Mecca, which holds the sacred Kaaba. They also believe that the last words on your lips should be the Shahada. In Christianity, they hold a mass where families and friends can go to mourn as one. If lucky, you are blessed by a Priest, which relieves you of your sins. This is called Anointing of the Sins and Last Rites. The beliefs of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity are quite similar. They each have a different take on past events. Christians, Muslims, and Jewish people believe in monotheism, stating that there is only one divine God. Muslims and Jewish people claim that Christians do not believe in one God, seeing as they think God exists in three different ways; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Christians call this the Trinity. In Judaism, they do not believe that Jesus rose from the dead, is the Son of God, or was born from the Virgin Mary. In Christianity, they believe in all of those points. In Islam, they believe that while Jesus was the Son of God and was born from the Virgin Mary, He did not die on the cross but was rather brought into heaven by God. People of Jewish faith think that Jesus was crucified due to this claim of being divine. Choosing to disregard the claim that Jesus is the saviour, they believe that their saviour will come one day and will unite the world and bring peace to humanity. Muslims believe that the Kaaba, a sacred cube located in Mecca, is God’s house and is located directly underneath heaven. They trust that the point to life is to live in a way that pleases Allah to gain a spot in Paradise, which is their heaven in the afterlife. The meaning of life for Christians, though, is to seek divine salvation through the grace of God and to become one with Him. People of Jewish faith believe life should be spent helping humanity and fellow neighbours. Christianity believes that every human has inherited â€Å"original sin† from Adam, meaning that people have a tendency towards evil. This is in comparison to Judaism and Islam who believe people are capable of both good and evil actions. In comparison to Christianity and Judaism, prayer rituals are taken very seriously in Islam. They believe in prayer five times a day: dawn, midday, afternoon, sunset, and evening, which is called the Salat. This is similar to Orthodox Judaism in which they pray in formal worship services three times a day; morning, afternoon, evening. They pray the Shema, which is the most important prayer in Judaism. Before prayer, Muslims wash up to their legs up to their knees and their arms up to their elbows to cleanse themselves. This is a bit similar to Christianity, which uses blessed holy water to pray with before entering mass. This blesses one’s self, recalls the baptism, and forgives sins. Each Islamic prayer is directed towards Mecca where the Kaaba is located, which they believe is loca ted directly under heaven. Women and men pray in parallel lines at separate times, and they pray on rugs to keep themselves clean. Also, there are certain guidelines that women and men need to follow in terms of what to wear to mosque. For example, a woman should not wear clothes that attract attention. In the European Christian Churches there are many dress codes one would need to follow. This is not the case in most Western Churches. The formalities have lessened and one can wear jeans to mass without causing uproar, which is much different from Islam. Judaism, Islam, and Christianity are similar religions when it comes to beliefs. While they have diverse opinions and take place in countries all over the world, these well known religions are revered for their perseverance. All three are valid religions, which, through different takes on past events, have moulded into what they are today. For example, while Christianity and Islam choose to believe that Jesus will come again, Judaism chooses not to. This take on a past event has shaped Christianity and Judaism greatly. Also, Islam has a different view of women’s rights and placement in society in comparison to Judaism and Christianity. I think that while Islam and Christianity are completely opposite when it comes to rituals and strictness, they are very much similar in terms of beliefs. Although Judaism and Islam originated from the same family tree and Judaism and Christianity coincide on many events, such as their origins, I believe that Judaism is the most different of the three due to its views about Jesus. Judaism, Islam, and Christianity are all completely different religions from an outsider’s point of view. Yet, when you look at all three of them in depth, a person can find many of the same characteristics.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Discrimination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Discrimination - Essay Example in was an openly racist society in 1959 when a black man, Kelso Cochrane, was lynched in London streets with little more than an apathetic response from police. The perpetrators of this crime were identified by several eyewitnesses but the four white men were simply interviewed and released. Racist murders continue to take place, such as the Anthony Walker ice axe incident in Wales last summer, but this type of senseless racially motivated murder is now viewed by society as a horrific crime against a human being and not as simply a byproduct of ‘purifying’ Britain. Beginning with the Cochrane lynching, attitudes began to change. This general intolerance of racially motivated crime has gained momentum over the past 10 years following a series of attacks resulting in the murders of Roland Adams, Stephen Lawrence and Kriss Donald. Inner cities were the usual center of racial issues but now in Britain â€Å"there has been a shift in the geography of public disquiet, and it is the small provincial towns on the coast like Margate, Dover and Hastings that have become the centre of concern about illegal immigration and asylum† (Back, 2003). While the point can be argued that there is less overt racism now than there was 10 years ago, there has been a resurgence of widespread unsympathetic reporting in both local and national print media which portrays refugees as ‘beggars’ and involved in ‘violent crime.’ This reflects the new surge of racist sentiments across the nation. This discussion examines racism in Britain, cau ses for the phenomenon and various reasonings for its continuance. Those of ethnic minority are more likely than whites to live in depressed neighbourhoods, suffer ill health, live in congested housing and suffer a higher rate of unemployment even when compared to white people of similar education and employment qualifications. The majority of violence motivated by racism takes place in economically depressed locations although it is not

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Swear Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Swear - Essay Example I did notice though that so many people employ profane words as part of their basic English. I find the practice in general to be offensive and also to be a sure sign of ignorance. One can walk a city street anywhere and hear phrases peppered with the "F-bomb" and what not. For example "I need cash but I can't find a F------ ATM machine". I go about my daily business without having to caution myself in cursing thus this assignment was not one that I found to be challenging. I did note however, that I was intensely alert to those cursing around me. I wonder what would happen if people actually listened to themselves speak. We have a moment, and only a fleeting one after that first impression, to alter it. After one looks at us, they hear us speak. We usually use our voices to deliver a message to others. That message can be taken as true or false. That message can be delivered by one who is deemed intelligent or intellectually challenged. Cursing by no means conveys an intelligent thought. Some think that by adding a curse word they are delivering the word to follow it with an emphasized delivery, but it is not so. People like myself do not find ourselves amused or threatened by one who curses. Curse words are nothing more than wasted air and their effect can only be described as revolting. I don't have to refrain from cursing because I find the practice to be disgusting and a sign of stupidity.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Create New business plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Create New business plan - Essay Example This category was based on performance of the real jewellery which. As the key consumers of real jewellery are the wealthy persons, therefore they appeared to be less sensitive to the sudden economic slowdown and as a result amongst the other personal accessories, jewellery performed the best. With the positive economic scenario, jewellery sales will continue to grow in the markets of Brazil over the period which is forecasted by the analysts ( ). A Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 10% in respect to this business is projected by the analysts over the forecasted period. The increase in sales value will be dependent on the rise in the unit prices, because sales volumes are likely to see a reduced amount of growth as compared to the value( Confusion). The number of jewellery stores have increased in brazil, Left.... The business will be based on the production and designing of artificial jewellery in Brazil. The jewelleries will be designed as per the latest trends and based on the specifications of the customers as well. The products will have a variety of ranges and designs for customers belonging to various standards. There will be use of precious as well as artificial stones on the jewelleries offered by Belle, as per the need of the customers. Various metals will also be used by the company for making the jewelries. Unlike other jeweler stores, the products offered by Belle will have a sole motive to cater to the need of the people coming from different standard of living. It will have a variety of jewelleries on offering within affordable price ranges. The target market of Belle will be Brazil. It is the fifth largest country in the world. The standard of living of the people of Brazil is quite high. The company will open a shop in Brazil, as the country has a number of real jewellery based shops but lacks artificial jewellery shops. The shop

Auditing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 6

Auditing - Essay Example The alternative adopted by the audit assistant is the information related to the Club casino has been carefully removed as far as its referencing is concerned. On the other hand, provision for safeguarding the information of the organization may be created against the leakage of information either by the professional or any employee associated with the company.1 ii) The duties of the company secretary cannot be performed by the engagement partner of Ace Limited audit because the engagement partner is not well versed with the work performed by the company secretary of the company. Moreover, the engagement partner is already assigned the tedious task of audit reporting, maintaining relation with the client. However, an engagement partner can be linked to other companies, so the laws that the company abides by should not be disclosed to an external individual as this may violate the law of confidentiality. As an alternative course of action to this violation the company should safeguard itself by appointing any close member from the company itself, like the internal auditor of the company. This way less chances will be there for the internal information of the company to leak out.2 i) Slipway Limited is in a situation where the company is facing constant decline for the past two years and the scope of cost cutting also seems difficult due to the purchase of imported machineries. These machineries were purchased so as to increase falling operations by carrying out the operations of the company more effectively. The bank providing loans to the company may be at whelm of an audit risk, whereby the documents of the company have every possibility of being overstated than the actual financial statements of the company. The audit risk particularly affects the transaction in the financial statement of accounts which portrays wrong information about the current financial position of the organization. However, the three

Friday, July 26, 2019

Answer the questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Answer the questions - Essay Example The scope entails establishing the capability of the system to interact with other elements within the environment with which the system operates is essential. The requirements of the users must be assessed effectively to ensure that they are incorporated within the operation of the system. The identification of system weaknesses is fundamental in seeking to establish a properly functioning system to undertake the required functions. Limitations into the process of system analysis are the regulations that exist with regard to the technology that can be utilised in establishing a functioning system. Technological differences between the system and the applications being utilised presents a significant challenge to system analysts Fact-finding measures are essential in the determination of the functions that a system can undertake, with regard to the user requirements. Use cases provide a platform upon which system usability is commonly analysed. Information gained from fact-finding and use cases is essential in system analysis, as it is the fundamental base upon which decisions regarding the system are made. Technological discrepancies are commonly solved by undertaking an analysis of the available technology during the feasibility study. These social settings provide an individual with guidelines through which daily activities are based upon. Before undertaking any personal activity, one requires to make an analysis of the activities involved in order to determine which one comes before the others. The consideration for the environment within which one undertakes his/her activities is essential in ensuring that no harm comes to the society. The limitations that an individual experiences in life come from the knowledge possessed, and the values held by the individual. The fundamental assumptions within the context of this project include the capability of an individual to undertake an object analysis of self, and the capability to undertake the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Solar Powered Heat Pump System Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5750 words

Solar Powered Heat Pump System - Research Paper Example Solar panels have been available for some time now. In 2006 B&Q, one of the largest DIY companies in the UK started marketing solar panels for around  £1,500 each. Microgeneration provides technology for ‘heat and/or electricity on a small-scale from a low carbon source’ (Roberts & Sims 2008, p. 363) and generated power should not exceed ‘50kW for electricity generation and 45KW thermal for heat production’ (Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Act, 2006 as cited in Roberts & Sims, 2008, p. 363).Scientists measure energy from the sun and translate it into ‘kilowatt hours per day per square meter’ (Caldwell 1994, p. 97). Sunlight that reaches the earth’s surface depends on latitude, the barriers like cloud or humidity. However, the sun’s energy is distributed in a uniform manner. For example, a rain forest in Washington is stricken by the sun’s energy, which is translated into 3kwh/d/m2, but southern Arizona and nearby are as receive 7kwh/d/m2. Full sunlight refers to a thousand for every square meter of global radiation. Companies that market photovoltaic forecast PV output with the use of computer models and simulation that include insolation data. In predicting an unknown area, they use the common rule of ‘plus or minus 10 percent on an annual average based only on latitude and closest weather data’ (Caldwell 1994, p. 98). There are factors that should be considered in determining costs of installations. Number one factor is the site and the weather. The photovoltaic output is sensitive to transients like clouds.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Aladdin (1992) ANIMATED FILM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Aladdin (1992) ANIMATED FILM - Essay Example The success of the movie can also be attributed to the animation, mainly done by the supervising animator Eric Goldberg. From an interview with Goldberg, he states that the animation for â€Å"Aladdin† mainly dealt with finding the perfect animation for every character, for example, walking styles, patterns of speech and movements (Kallay, 2012). The designs of the â€Å"Aladdin† animation are based on the works of caricaturist Al Hirschfield, and computers were both helpful in creating and coloring some pictures (Hischak, 2011). However, Goldberg states that the hardest part to animate was the genie, since the genie changed form in nearly every scene. The supervising animator states that sometimes, the genie was required to be an air hostess, imitate Schwarzenegger and act as a host of other characters. The animation done by Goldberg and his team proved crucial in ensuring the continued success of Aladdin in the box office and from DVD

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Iran and the freedom of speech over there Essay

Iran and the freedom of speech over there - Essay Example While the U.S. is not guilt free in regards to the suppression of speech, the situation is far superior to that of Iran where speaking out against the government often results in long prison sentences and death. The tactic is used to control information thus the opinions of the public which makes it easier to rule over them. If all they hear and read is that Iran is always in the right, such as building a strictly electric producing nuclear program, and other countries and cultures are oppressive, such as the evil intentions of the U.S. and Israel, a common target of the Iranian press, the majority of the people will believe it. If this tactic sounds familiar, it also happens to all other nations. The Iranian Constitution expressly provides for the freedom of speech, expression and the press unless that speech is deemed harmful to the elementary principles of Islam or the human rights of the public. (â€Å"Human Rights,† 2010). This exception is vague enough to extend to most any type of speech or expression but the government, in reality, acts as if nothing about free speech was included in its Constitution. Freedom of speech, expression and the press is closely monitored and rigorously restricted in Iran. â€Å"There (are) no basic legal safeguards for freedom of expression and the government, notably the judiciary, arbitrarily enforces censorship measures against the independent press.† (â€Å"Human Rights,† 2010). The distribution of information is limited due to government as well as self-censorship from fear of retaliation. The Chairman of the Iranian Parliament, Ali Larijani, was asked on the Charlie Rose Show if anyone challenged the authority, ac tions or decrees of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s Supreme Leader. He answered â€Å"Oh, definitely yes. Definitely, I mean, nobody is immune from challenge.† (â€Å"Human Rights,† 2010). Despite Larijani’s assurances, government officials regularly stifle free speech

Monday, July 22, 2019

Cultural Differences in Business Essay Example for Free

Cultural Differences in Business Essay I have read a lot about the cultural differences between Asia and the United States. I have talked to some of my Asian acquaintances here in Okinawa. There are quite a few cultural differences in the business worlds in Hong Kong and the States. In the states, employees have stronger feelings about and opinions of the intrinsic contracts of a business. The employees inner images come into play with these feelings because they feel that if they have a good and strong inner image then the outer image will automatically be a good one. They feel that extrinsic contracts are not as important, but still an issue when it comes to business. Employees in the United States are not as respectful to management and will even argue if they feel they have a strong point. In some cases this may be a good thing. In the United States we tend to be more aggressive and have strong opinions rather than suggestions. In Hong Kong, they believe that extrinsic contracts are everything. They believe as long as they have a strong front and image then there business will succeed. This is a good thing when it comes to public images because if you look like you have a strong business then the public will not know any different. Intrinsic contracts are not a main concern in Hong Kong. They are pushed to the side until they have a strong front and then it may be worked on.

Oceanographic Properties Essay Example for Free

Oceanographic Properties Essay Oceanography is the study of the sea and oceans. It is composed of the geological study of the ocean floor and ocean features. The geological aspects of the oceanography include physical oceanography which is concerns with the physical attributes of the ocean water for example currents and temperatures and the chemical oceanography whose main focus is on the chemistry of ocean waters. Marine biology is the study of the oceanic flora and fauna. Oceanography also studies the meteorology which is the interaction between the atmosphere and the ocean. The Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, Arctic and Antarctic oceans and the Mediterranean Sea among others are integrated in oceanography. Naturalists as Thompson, a Scot, and John Murray a Canadian were among the first pioneers to discover and study oceanography. (Johnson 2005). The paper examines some of the physical, chemical and the marine features present in the oceans. Oceanographic Properties Physical oceanography refers to the discovery and the study of physics and the geography of the ocean currents and water properties. The major components are the dynamics of ocean currents on scales from centimeters to global, the ocean wave phenomena the distribution of heat and salt and their transport through the ocean basins, the exchange of the momentum, heat and freshwater between the ocean and the atmosphere, the interaction between the ocean and rivers, estuaries, ice and marginal seas. Physical geography has important application in global climate, oceanic mixing and coastal studies and in the studies of primary production, hydrothermal vents and oceanic flux and storage of carbon dioxide (Robert 2005). The ocean is composed of a mixture of 97% pure water and 3% other materials examples as salts, gases, organic substances, and the undisolved particles. Pure water determines the physical properties. The ocean is measureless covering 71% of the earth surface of which 65 % is considered open ocean- waters that lie far away from the costal ocean. Oceans are different with an averaging depth of more than two miles and containing vast life all over it even in the deepest bottoms. Oceanic life is composed of two major categories; the pelagic (ocean water) and the benthic (the sea floor). Pelagic is further divided with accordance of water depth. Fig 1. 0 parts of the ocean The first 200 meters of the ocean water is called the neritic zone which includes the seashore and offers abundant food for the larger animals due to the plentiful of small organisms. The ocean zone extends from 200 meters deep to the bottom of the ocean. Often the ocean zones are classified according to the amount of sunlight they receive. The top part which photosynthetic life is found called euphotic zone while the preceding zone is the dysphotic zone where light is too dim to support photosynthesis. The aphotic zone where there isn’t any light rays. Littoral zone is closest to the seashore covering a distance of 600 feet from the shoreline and is divided into three zones namely; the supralittoral which is submerged due to unusual high tides or during storm. The intertidal zone lies between the high and low tide lines then the sub-littoral which extends from low tide up to 200 meters. Ocean water salinity refers to the amount of salt found in the 1,000 grams of water. Majority of the salt content in the ocean comes from land but some originates from the undersea volcanoes thus the average ocean salinity is 35 grams of salt per 1,000 milligrams. An estuary refers to the point where fresh river water meets the oceans salty waters. Its salinity is different from the salinity of the ocean adjacent to it Most estuaries are found at river mouths and are thus long and narrow, resembling a channel. The water pressure increases with the increase in depth while the temperature which is the measure of hotness or coldness of an object is divided into three temperature vertical zones. ? Top layer is the surface or mixed layer and it’s greatly influenced by the solar system. ? The following layer is the thermocline and the temperature drops with the increase in depth, ? Then the third layer is deep-water layer and at this point the temperature decreases slowly with an increase in depth. In the ocean, the water density depends on the temperature, pressure and its salinity. For instance cold salty water is denser than fresh and warm water. The density further subdivides the ocean into three layers namely, the surface mixed where the temperature and saline content differs hence no great effect on density since it’s in direct contact with the air. Next layer is the transition zone where water remains cold and dense and it’s the barrier between the surface and the bottom zone allowing little water movement between the two zones. The bottom zone is where water remains cold and dense. This has been illustrated by the figure 2. 0 below. Fig. 2. 0 Density layers in the ocean Ocean currents The current keeps the ocean in a constant motion and moves large amounts of water into great distances. It is driven by wind forces, gravitational forces and tidal movement. There exists different types of current namely the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, Eats wind drift, the North and Southern equatorial currents, the Peru currents, the Kureshio current and last the Gulf Stream. They flow in gyres which are loops of water. The gyres spin in a clockwise direction and in the southern hemisphere they do spin in anti-clockwise direction. The currents can be illustrated in the Figure 3. 0. The United States of America normally experiences the effects of the Gulf Stream currents in the Northern Atlantic zone, the equatorial current and the Canary current. Mostly affected coastlines are the Florida’s East coast, North Carolina and the Newfoundland. Figure 3. 0 oceanic currents Marine Biology By looking at the ocean surface, it is difficult for one to see the great diversity of life that exists in the ocean. The ocean inhibits different kinds of flora and fauna. They include the mammals, which are animals with backbones hence they are vertebrates. They unique features is that they breath air lungs, give birth to young ones, produce milk, are warm blooded and are covered with fur. They are the seals, sea lions, walruses, the sea oter and the polar bear. Other oceanic creatures include the giant squid, angelfish coelacanth, lantern fish, gulpers whales, sharks, fishes of all kinds. Other forms of ocean features are the coral reefs. (Cone 1992) Oceanic coasts There are various types of coasts in the ocean and the beaches are only but one type. They are divided into two categories namely the primary coasts and the secondary coasts. The primary coasts were created by non-marine processes. They happen because of changes in the land, such as river deltas or lava flows while the secondary coasts were formed by marine action and are caused by changes in the ocean, such as the creation of barrier islands or coral reefs. Reference Information on the â€Å"Focus on the Ocean† www. onr. navy Retrieved on 28th March 2009 Cone J. , (1992). â€Å"Fire under the Sea†, NY: Sage Robert H. S. (2005), â€Å"Introduction to physical oceanography† Texas: AM Information on â€Å"The introduction to physical Oceanography† www. es. flinders Retrieved on 28th March 2009: Australia: Flinders university Press. Johnson D. (2005) â€Å"Information that relates to the Ocean World† www. oceanworld. tamu www. whoi. edu Information on â€Å"The Marine Biology† www. springerlink. com Retrieved on 29th march 2009.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Processes Of Post Partum Care Nursing Essay

Processes Of Post Partum Care Nursing Essay Postpartum care presents a special challenge, as it concerns two i.e. mother and her baby people with very distinct needs. However it is believed that contribution to good quality care ensure to balance the challenge. The major maternal and neonatal health challenges include nutrition and breastfeeding, birth spacing, immunization and HIV/AIDS, therefore Post partum care is pre-eminently about the provision of a supportive environment in which a woman, her baby and the wider family can begin their new life together. Therefore this guideline aims to identify the essential core (routine) care that every woman and her baby should receive in the first 6-8 weeks after birth, based on the best evidence available. This guideline has been written within a conceptual framework which places the woman and her baby at the centre of care, appreciating that all post partum care should be delivered in partnership with the woman and should be individualized to meet the needs of each mother-infant dyad. Thus this clinical guideline of post partum is to offer information to support midwives to increase the knowledge and skills that enable them to handle mothers and their neonates and management of postpartum complication, and referral. Objectives: Perform postpartum examination on mother and baby and provide care to ensure safe post partum. Provide first line EmONC or referral for the complication occurring during postpartum period Facilitate the process of lactation and infant bounding. Support of the mother and her family in the transition to a new family constellation, and response to their needs prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of complications of mother and infant, including the prevention of vertical transmission of diseases from mother to infant Counsel the couple for: resumption of sexual activity and birth spacing regular contraception service, emergency contraceptive methods, dispelling myths and birth spacing in special situation. maternal nutrition, and supplementation if necessary baby care support of breastfeeding Immunization of the infant and mother. Referral of mother and infant for specialist care when necessary CLINICAL PLACEMENT Out Patient Department Postnatal wards Well baby room Community Primary Health Care centers POST PARTUM VISIT SCHEDULE AFTER 3rd STAGE OF LABOUR TILL 2 HOURS AFTER 2 HOURS TILL 24 Hours First visit (within the first week, preferably within 2-3 days) Second visit (4-6 weeks) More frequent visits or different schedules may be required according to client need and or hospital policy. Encourage the woman to bring her partner or family member to at least 1 visit. KEY ELEMENTS OF POSTPARTUM CARE: 6-12 hours 3- 6 days 6 weeks blood loss pain BP advice/ warning signs breast care temperature/infection lochia mood recovery anaemia contraception IMMEDIATE POST PARTUM CARE (After 3rd stage of labor till 2 hrs) Initial Postpartum Recovery Assessment: special attention to: Monitoring and assessment of maternal well being, prevention and detection of complications (e.g. bleeding, hypertension, and infections) Determine; Assess amount and the character of BLEEDING , Measure and document vital sign (BLOOD PRESSURE, pulse rate and temperature Other warning sign like fever, uterine involution, pain etc Status of the perineum, (tears laceration) Status of the fundus; position and firmness Document urine void within 6 hours. Ensure emptiness of urinary bladder Monitor for signs of bladder distension. After delivery IV fluids infusing type and amount Response of the woman and her partner to the newborn Give woman time with baby and family to facilitate bonding and celebrate the occasion. Status of the breasts once immediately after delivery and then again just before transfer to postpartum Allow women to rest Pain assessment; if the woman is experiencing any pain; Determine the characteristics, quality, timing, and relief after comfort measures, Investigate the source (e.g., after pains, episiotomy, painful urination, pain in the calves). If the woman had a cesarean delivery; check the incision dressing for intactness and determine incision bleeding if any complain for pain type, and success of analgesics and comfort measures to control the pain; toleration of ambulation status of the bladder; Provide hygiene care. Help woman to re dress Establishments of breastfeeding/ ROUTINE PROGRESSIVE POST PARTUM CARE (After 2hrs till 24 hrs) Take medical and pregnancy histories and perform physical examination that are important to alert for postpartum risk such as postpartum Hemorrhage, infection, and lead to normal healing First Visit HISTORY (should include significant pregnancy, labor and birth newborn history Review of Ante Partum chart and labs, problems which may need follow up Review of Intra Partum course and labs Check records: any complications during delivery Receiving any treatments Review of status since birth to postpartum period Review if patient is Tdap immunization status Obtains information about cultural factors influencing clients health and compliance Assesses clients and significant others feelings and level of understanding of sexuality, post partum. Observe the gravid woman for verbal and non-verbal clues to exclude post partum bluesdepression HIV status CONTINOUS POST PARTUM ASSESSMENT (ONCE PER SHIFT) Take the vital signs including of Respiratory characteristic s and Rule out labour breathing shortness of breath and chest pain. Regular Heart rate Height, And Weight Performs review of systems appropriate to POSTPARTUM Body parts Assessment and Probable findings Breasts Inspect the: Colostrum excretion breasts for signs of engorgement, nipples aversion/ redness, or cracks, then Palpate the breasts gently to determine if they are soft, filling, or engorged with milk Note if there is pain/ oedema/ swelling Abdomen Inspect the abdomen and note: striae, scars, shape and size of the abdomen Any organs enlargement and any masses. Palpate the abdomen to assess uterus involution (by height of fundas) determine consistency, tone, position, size/height in relation to the umbilicus Genitalia Inspect Vulva and perineum for: tear, swelling, pus. Observe external genitalia for color of skin, varicosities, and laceration, episiotomy stitches healing. vaginal opening for cystocele or rectocele. Vaginal discharge (lochia); special attention to color, amount and odor Bladder and bowel; Assess voiding amounts (more than 100 mL per each voiding) frequency If amounts smaller than 100 mL check for urinary retention, i.e. suprapubic distention Auscultate for bowel sounds in each quaderant. Ask the woman if she has had a bowel movement after delivery. Peripheral vascular Inspect the extremities for edema equality of pulses, and capillary refill. Check for Homans sign when the feet are dorsiflexed or woman is walking. Hemoglobin and hematocrit (hh). Compare the HH before delivery. Note the blood type and Rh. If the woman is Rh-negative, arrange for RhoGAM MEDICATION For pain relief advise: Topical cold therapy Paracetamol NSAIDs if not contraindicated In areas of high prevalence of iron deficiency anaemia, 400 mg ferrous sulphate (2 tablets) per day or once a week, with 250 ÃŽÂ ¼g folate for 4 months is recommended for pregnant and lactating women. In areas of low prevalence 1 tablet of ferrous sulphate daily may be sufficient. IMMUNIZATION Offer Anti-D immunoglobulin within 72 hours to every non-sensitized Rh-D-negative woman following the delivery of an RhD-positive baby. Complete TT vaccination for woman according to given schedule if required Offered an MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccination following birth and before discharge from the maternity unit if they are in hospital if on antenatal screening women found to be sero-negative for rubella following the safety protocol Health Education for mother All women should be given information about the physiological process of recovery after birth, and that some health problems are common, with advice to report any health concerns to healthcare professional, in particular: Signs and symptoms of PPH: sudden and profuse blood loss or persistent increased blood loss; faintness; dizziness; palpitations/tachycardia. Signs and symptoms of infection: fever; shaking; abdominal pain and/or offensive vaginal loss. Signs and symptoms of thromboembolism: unilateral calf pain; redness or swelling of calves; shortness of breath or chest pain. Signs and symptoms of pre-eclampsia: headaches accompanied by one or more of the symptoms of visual disturbances, nausea, vomiting, feeling faint. Women who have had an epidural or spinal anesthesia should be advised to report any severe headache, particularly when sitting or standing Diet during post partum Caring breast while breast feeding Fundal Massage Perineum and Vaginal Care Pain Management: explain the non- medicinal ways of easing pain, such as applying warmth to the abdomen to help soothe after pains. Activities contribute to or prevent constipation. If non immune for rubella educate for rubella immunization SECOND VISIT (4-6 weeks) HISTORY Follow the guideline of ROUTINE POST PARTUM CARE (After 2hrs till 6hrs) CONTINOUS POST PARTUM ASSESSMENT follow the guideline of (After 2hrs till 6hrs) MEDICATION Follow the guideline of ROUTINE POST PARTUM CARE (After 2hrs till 6hrs) VACCINATION Follow the guideline of ROUTINE POST PARTUM CARE (After 2hrs till 6hrs) HEALTH EDUCATION Follow the guideline of ROUTINE POST PARTUM CARE (After 2hrs till 6 hrs) Postpartum Discharge Plan and complete all necessary assessment and care as per hospital policy by consider maternal and infant health and financial status. HISTORY Review of the womans physical, emotional and social well-being at taking in account the routine examinations Counsel mother family on baby care. ASSESSMENT OR EXAMINATION Follow the guideline of ROUTINE POST PARTUM CARE (After 2hrs till 6hrs) HEALTH EDUCATION Explain all take home medication with their effects and side effects. Allow them to resolve their queries. Educate mother about danger signs, personal hygiene, perineal care, postpartum exercises, follow-up visit baby care, baby mother immunization, breast feeding, Postpartum COMPLICATION MANAGEMENT essentc Hypertension during postnatal period Continue to assess patients for signs and symptoms or worsening of preeclampsia in the postpartum period. For postpartum patients on magnesium sulfate: In general the magnesium sulfate is continued for 24 hours postpartum Strict IO in the initial 24 hours postpartum Evaluation between 4 and 8 hours postpartum for vital signs especially BP, IO, signs of magnesium toxicity, evaluation for further information Refer: World Health Organization, International Confederation of Midwifery (ICM) (2008). Midwifery education modules second edition Managing Eclampsia Available: Baby Blues/ Post Partum Depression Definition: A transient period of depression that occurs during the first week or two after birth Causes: hormonal changes, fatigue Sign and symptoms: mood swings, anger, weepiness, anorexia, insomnia Intervention Usually will resolve naturally Should receive social support Needs plenty of rest Anemia (Refer PHRplus/Albania (2005) Toolkits for Strengthening Primary Health Care Clinical Practice Guideline for Family Doctors; Quick References Partners for Health Reforms, USAID) Available: Postpartum Hemorrhage Refer: World Health Organization, International Confederation of Midwifery (ICM) (2008). Midwifery education modules second edition Managing postpartum hemorrhage Available: Puerperal Sepsis Refer: World Health Organization, International Confederation of Midwifery (ICM) (2008). Midwifery education modules second edition Managing Puerperal Sepsis Available: Diabetes in postpartum period Refer: World Health Organization Reproductive Health AND Research (2005). A pocket guide for essential practice Sexually Transmitted and Other Reproductive Tract Infections integrating STI/RTI, HIV Care for Reproductive Health

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Human Interaction with Nature in the Works of Aldo Leopold and Elizabet

Human Interaction with Nature in the Works of Aldo Leopold and Elizabeth Bishop The poet Elizabeth Bishop and the naturalist Aldo Leopold share a keen power of observation, a beautifully detailed manner of writing, a love for the beauty of nature, and an interest in how people interact with the natural world. Like Leopold, Bishop examines human interactions with nature on both the personal and the ecological level. On the individual level, a hunter’s contact with the animal he or she is hunting changes his or her attitude toward nature in both Bishop’s poem â€Å"The Fish† and Leopold’s essay â€Å"Thinking Like a Mountain.† On the larger level, both Bishop in her poem â€Å"The Mountain† and Leopold throughout the Sand County Almanac envision the role of human beings in relation to the rest of the natural world as one of exploration and interpretation through science and art. In both Bishop’s â€Å"The Fish† and Leopold’s â€Å"Thinking Like a Mountain,† the person’s contact with a wild animal comes about through hunting. In theory, hunting is a sport, â€Å"a challenge of fang against bullet† (Leopold 129), in which the animal has a fair chance of escaping. In reality, however, there is no real challenge for the hunter in either case. Leopold and his companions, â€Å"pumping lead into the pack† (130), kill the wolf not by skill but by the sheer number of bullets, while Bishop’s speaker testifies, â€Å"He didn’t fight. / He hadn’t fought at all† (5-6). Thus, both call into question whether their hunting is actually a sport. Both Leopold and Bishop’s speaker are initially unaware of the true value of the creatures they hunt. Leopold writes, â€Å"I thought that because fewer wolves meant more deer, that no wolves would mean hunter’s paradise† (130). Bish... ... of human beings in nature is to explore, perceive, understand, and give a voice to the world around them through science and art. They suggest this both through what they say in their writing and by the very act of writing, which is an act of perception and interpretation of nature. However, their interpretations of the mountain’s message beg the question of whether they are interpreting it correctly, or whether they are simply attributing their own views to landforms. Perhaps their works are best seen as an invitation to their readers to explore the natural world for themselves and create their own interpretations. Contact with wild creatures might change our attitudes too! Bibliography Bishop, Elizabeth. The Complete Poems, 1927-1979. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Leopold, Aldo. A Sand County Almanac. New York: Oxford University Press, 1949.

Friday, July 19, 2019

A challenge to Materialism Essay -- essays research papers

Cartesian Dualism Challenged   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In this paper, I will examine the issues of individuation and identity in Descartes’ philosophy of mind-body dualism. I will begin by addressing the framework of Cartesian dualism. Then I will examine the problems of individuation and identity as they relate to Descartes. Hopefully, after explaining Descartes’ reasoning and subsequently offering my response, I can show with some degree of confidence that the issues of individuation and identity offer a challenge to the Cartesians’ premise of mind-body dualism. Before diving into a critical examination of these two issues, it would be wise to first discuss the basis of Descartes’ philosophy. Descartes begins his discussion of mind by first disregarding everything that he can call into doubt. After this mental cleansing, Descartes is left only with the maxim that ‘I cannot doubt that I am doubting.’ From this conclusion, Descartes states that some entity must be doing this doubting, and claims that this entity is his mind. The Cartesian mind has only one property: thinking. Consequently, Descartes establishes a distinction between mind and body. The two share no characteristics, as the body does not indulge in thinking, the mind’s solitary function. Further, mind and body are independent of each other; mind can exist even in the absence of body. At the same time, Descartes does not doubt that â€Å"the mind begins to think as soon as it is implanted in the body of an infant.† Yet the mind does not need the b ody to engage in introspection, the action of thinking about thinking. Only introspection is immune from illusion, confusion, or doubt. Information about the world outside of mind is prone to these hazards. We cannot conclude with certainty that other minds exist. Thus, the Cartesian is left to what I would dub a lonely existence: â€Å"Even if [a Cartesian] prefers to believe that to other human bodies there are harnessed minds not unlike his own, he cannot claim to be able to discover their individual characteristics. Absolute solitude is on this showing the ineluctable destiny of the soul. Only our bodies can meet.† Now I will critically examine Descartes’ mind-body philosophy by addressing the issues of individuation and identity. First, I need to be clear about the issues I am addressing. In order to fully understand the problem of individuation, we nee... ...owed in my earlier example, consider bodies the same. Strawson argues that even if a Cartesian claims to be directly experiencing his mind through introspection and therefore has no need of explaining the identity of his mind, he still cannot rule out the possibility that a thousand different minds may occupy him during the next moment. As with individuation, Strawson and his fellow anti-Cartesians can correctly identify minds in the same manner that I identified myself as the same girl I was 9 years ago. Those operating under Descartes’ philosophy cannot identify the same mind over time, and consequently cannot speak â€Å"coherently† (as Strawson puts it) about mind.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Using Strawson’s analysis of Descartes as a guide, I have attempted to demonstrate how two issues—individuation and identity—threaten to dismantle Descartes’ philosophy of mind-body dualism. I have stood behind the anti-Cartesian argument that in order to associate one mind with one body—which Strawson claims is a vital principle to both Cartesians and anti-Cartesians—we must think of mind as something dependent on a person and not as something separate altogether, as Descartes would argue.

Repetition, Diction, and Simile in Cormac McCarthy’s The Crossing Essay

Repetition, Diction, and Simile in Cormac McCarthy’s The Crossing  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In Cormac McCarthy’s novel The Crossing, there is a dramatic sequence described by the narrator.   The author uses many different techniques to convey the impact of the experience on the narrator.   Some of these such techniques are: repetition, diction, and simile.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Of the aforementioned techniques, the most obvious is repetition.   The author uses the word â€Å"and† a total of thirty-three times.   However, the simple usage of the word is not what is to be noticed.   It is the placement of the word that is interesting.   In sentences in which there is mention of the wolf, the word â€Å"and† is used twenty times.   This amount is 150% higher than the amount of times the author chose to include the word â€Å"and† in sentences which did not mention the wolf. There are times in which it would be just as easy, if not easier, for the author to leave out the word â€Å"and†.   For example, McCormac could have said: â€Å"he touched the cold, perfect teeth†.   However, â€Å"and† was again squeezed in for the purpose...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Discover Your Inner Economist

In his delightfully witty and humorous book, â€Å"Discover Your Inner Economist†, Cowen takes the dry and serious subject of economics from the mundane to the everyday. He begins by subtly stating that economics is not about money, but other motivations. â€Å"The critical economic problem is scarcity,† he says. â€Å"Money is scarce, but in most things the scarcity of time, attention, and caring is more important. †In a highly aimless, rambling style, Cowen leads the reader down many divergent paths from topic to topic, covering everything from how to talk your spouse out of buying a warranty on a new purchase to why your daughter will not wash the dishes to why we do not have to eat â€Å"sunk costs. † Throughout the book, two themes are clear. The first is that everyone is very self-centered, and motivation is all about â€Å"Me†, or as Cowen calls it, â€Å"the Me Factor†. The next motif, although highly correlated to the former, is cont rol. Both themes encompass the concept of identifying motivation.â€Å"The key to tapping your Inner Economist†, Cowen explains, is the ability to identify people's true incentives, which are usually more than money. Suppose you want your daughter to help out around the house by washing dishes. Should you pay her? Bad idea†, Cowen warns. â€Å"If you explain that washing dishes is her family responsibility, she may not always obey, but at least she'll feel some obligation. Bring payment into the picture, and her motivation changes. It becomes a market transaction†, writes Cowen, and â€Å"the parent becomes a boss rather than an object of deserved loyalty.† The point is that your daughter will soon come to realize that she would rather work for someone else. â€Å"Expect dirtier dishes,† Cowen concludes. Motivation and incentives are clearly interesting to us all, whether we acknowledge it or not. In his book, Cowen offers some unique theories on mo tivation and incentives. Big business is very interested in the concept of motivation; as the goal of any business is to be most productive, and this requires motivating employees to become their most productive. It is the responsibility of managers to strive to motivate employees so that they will make valuable contributions to the organization.Managers most frequently do this by offering rewards to motivate people to share their talents with the company. Managers seek to ensure that people are motivated to contribute important inputs to the organization, that these inputs are focused in the direction of high performance and that high performance results in employees obtaining the outcomes that they desire. Management theorists have come up with many theories to explain what creates a motivated workforce. Cowen believes that small improvements in understanding will bring a much better use of incentives (motivation).Cowen uses economic theory as the basis for using pattern recogniti on to incentivize. His book does not offer management theory, however, the author focuses on learning how humans in general are motivated, and these theories can be applied to business, personal lives, and just ordinary living. Study and research have proven that motivated employees are more productive than those employees who lack motivation. On this assumption, a look at some of the most widely known motivation theories may add some insight into the role of incentives as effective motivators. Frederick Herzberg’s theory is based on two factors: Hygiene and Motivation.The hygiene factors are based on extrinsic values such as salary, working conditions, ergonomics, status, and company policies. These factors, according to the theory, do not lead to motivation, but the absence of positive hygiene factors causes dissatisfaction. Herzberg’s other factor is motivation, which encompasses those work conditions that prompt intrinsic motivation. These factors include job satis faction, growth, achievement, and recognition. According to this theory, in order for employees to be motivated, there must be low levels of dissatisfaction and high levels of motivational factors.Herzberg suggests these factors should be used together to reduce dissatisfaction and increase motivation to achieve high productivity. Another famous motivation theory is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. This theory is based on the concept of levels of needs in human beings. This theory suggests that each level of need must be satisfied before someone is motivated to achieve the next level. The lowest level is physiological, then safety, then love, esteem, and finally self-actualization. The following chart from Accel- Team illustrates Maslow’s theory: (Accel Team, 2007)From an economist’s point of view, in Cowen’s book, one economist, Colin Camerer took a poll at the Davos World Economics Forum and polled big business gurus as their ideas on motivation. The number one and two answers were, respectively, Recognition and Respect, and Achievement and Accomplishment. Never mind that the sources may have been slightly skewed, he was polling a particularly successful group of businessmen and not average employees, but the point is that money did not make the top two as far as incentives go. Cowen does provide money its proper place within the motivation/incentive model, however.He does not dismiss money as a primary motivator, he merely sets it aside as the single most obvious incentive to allow thought for other, equally motivating incentives. Cowen demonstrates by example how the idea of everything being â€Å"up for market† is repulsive to humans. He notes that there are some things that simply cannot be motivated through monetary incentives. At the beginning of the book, as mentioned above, Cowen discusses the resistance of his stepdaughter, Yana, to washing the dishes. After he and his wife resorted to paying her, â€Å"she did them f or about a week and then stopped,† he says.â€Å"I knew this could happen. I understood that there is such a thing as intrinsic motivation and that if you pay people, you might weaken that. What I didn’t really â€Å"get† was the control issue. That when you start paying people to do a thing, they often see it as control. † But there was a happy ending: After Yana read the book, she started doing the dishes. For free. Cowen believes that we are also consumed with the desire for control. Cowen argues that if you want to have more control of what happens around you, you need to know how to balance the kinds of incentives you offer.As far as good reading, unfortunately, there are not enough economic tricks that break down neatly into interesting advice. When he discusses the techniques for motivating your dentist, like giving them a bonus for cavities well filled, he ends with, â€Å"I don’t think I can control my dentist or receive the very best care . By giving up this quest for control, however, I might get care that is just a little better than average. † Is that really any advice, or just an economist attempting to relate to real humans? Economics cannot tell you what the price of gold will be next week.But it can help you choose good restaurants, promises Cowen. The best sections of the book concern tactics for maximizing one’s cultural consumption, (at least according to Cowen’s standards). Cowen explains that those of us who enjoy unique and tasty flavors in our meals should avoid restaurants located in fancy shopping malls or on major thoroughfares. These restaurants must pay high rents to occupy such locations and, therefore, they need customers in high volumes. Because these restaurants must appeal to large audiences, meals there will be more predictable and bland than those served in restaurants located off beaten paths.So if you're hankering for dinner at a restaurant featuring bold or unusual tas tes – at a restaurant that serves ethnic dishes that are truly authentic — you'll have better luck going to a Chinese or Ethiopian or Cajun (or whatever ethnic variety you crave) restaurant that is located on a side street or in a suburban strip mall. With lower rents to pay, such off-the-beaten-path eateries are more likely than are restaurants in high-rent locations to cater to serious foodies. Choosing a restaurant is just one of many important and surprising insights offered in Cowen's book.He lists eight strategies for taking control of one’s reading, which include ruthless skipping around, following one character while ignoring others, and even going directly to the last chapter. Your eighth-grade English teacher would faint. But the principle here is valuing the scarcity of your own time, which people often fail to do. It works for movies, too—Cowen will go to the multiplex and watch parts of three or four movies, rather than just sit through one. Why wait for a highly predictable ending when a fabulous scene might be unfolding in the movie playing next door?Cowen also offers advice for how to defeat the boredom that, despite our best intentions to be culturally literate, overtakes many of us minutes after we enter an art museum. How do we deal with this â€Å"scarcity of attention†? Pretend to be an art thief, he suggests—in every gallery, pick one picture that we’d like to run off with. Sounds juvenile, admits Cowen, but it â€Å"forces us to keep thinking critically† rather than daydream about the snack bar. Cowen doesn’t really attempt to offer serious advice. He does offer some interesting anecdotes, however.Among the most valuable insights that economics does offer about investing is to ignore anyone who announces publicly that he knows what will happen to stock prices tomorrow. Anyone who sincerely believes himself to possess such knowledge will not give it away or sell it on the chea p. To do so would be like passing out hundred-dollar bills to strangers or offering to sell hundred-dollar bills for $25 apiece: Very few people are so selfless. If I am confident that shares of, say, IBM will rise tomorrow, I don't want other people competing with me to scoop up IBM shares.But finding a good meal, well, that's a different story. The most interesting insight for me is that bygones are not always best treated as bygones. The mid-19th-century economist William Stanley Jevons famously wrote that â€Å"bygones are forever bygones. † Economists have overwhelmingly taken Jevons' statement as advice to ignore sunk costs. This advice generally is sensible. Suppose you've spent $10 million building a machine that can do nothing but produce chocolate-covered pickles. You discover soon afterward that no one wants to buy your product.Your wisest course from this point forward is to suck up the loss. Continuing to produce chocolate-covered pickles that no one wants to buy will only deepen your losses, doing nothing to help you recover your investment. But Cowen shows that bygones should not be treated as bygones in all areas of life. When our self-image is at stake, past choices — costs that are irrevocable — often remain relevant for guiding our decisions today. Self –deception is another theme through which Cowen offers examples of our â€Å"Me First† mentality.For example, many of us think of ourselves as physically fit. Because of this self-image, we often buy memberships in gyms. But on many an evening, after a long day at work, we're typically tempted to relax at home rather than spend an hour exercising at the gym. The economically â€Å"rational† decision is to stay home and relax if that's what you prefer doing this evening. After all, whether you go to the gym or not, the money you've spent on your gym membership is already spent. You'll not get that money back if you don't use the gym this evening.So the fact that you've already paid for a gym membership should not factor into your decision on whether to go to the gym today. But sometimes this fact does indeed matter. Sometimes we think, â€Å"Geez, I've paid for that gym membership. I should go. † And we then summon our remaining energy and head off for some exercise — even though if we hadn't paid for the gym membership, we definitely would avoid the gym this evening. Again, as a narrow economic matter, that's a silly thing to say and do. From a less-narrow perspective it's entirely reasonable.By going to the gym we reinforce our positive self-interest. And if the mental trick of pretending that sunk costs are relevant helps in this effort, it's a worthwhile thing to think. For a wonderfully enjoyable and practically useful read you can do no better than to discover your inner economist by reading Tyler Cowen's new book. Tyler Cowen is a professor of economics at George Mason University. He is a prominent blogger at marginalrevolution, the world's leading economics blog. He also writes regularly for The New York Times, and has written for Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post.The book is a quirky, penetrating caper through everyday life that reveals how you can turn economic reasoning to your advantage—often when you least expect it to be relevant. Cowen aims to not â€Å"hit the reader over the head with economic principles, † but to offer an alternative viewpoint of economics and how it really can improve anyone’s everyday life. Even if you don't agree with all of Cowen's cheerfully offered opinions, it's a pleasure to accompany him through his various interests and obsessions.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Moral Panic Sociology

A moral alarm is defined by Cohen as a condition, episode, person or group or persons emerges to become defined as a threat to societal values and interests . In other words, a moral dread is an overdod reaction of maintenance towards a group or offspring that causes consternation in society, felt and reacted to by the public, media, constabulary, and politicians and so forth An example of a moral panic would be the increase apprehension oer knife crime in Britain in particular over the last few years. A crime syndicate music devil is the group/issue at the heart of the panic, which atomic get 18 condemned, feared, labelled and/or blamed.An example of a folk devil would be youths, in comparison to knife crime, terrorist, or mods and rockers conventional in the 1960s. These moral panics and folk devils are created and exacerbated by moral crusaders , the media is most apparent the biggest agency that does this. Media reports often greatly exaggerate certain and specif ic areas of crime or deviance that are aimed to be a moral panic, and to victimize certain groups as folk devils. It reports on, for example, the alleged rising number of knife related crimes, and how a lavishly percentage of youths in a locality near you are carrying a knife, even if this is a fallacy.Read alikeSociology and affable Integration.This increase in media attention brings rough a what is called a deviancy amplification spin . This consists of a combination of contributing factors, the increased media attention brings just about a heightened maven of public fear, resulting in a reliable increase in crime, either from the folk devils in question or from copycats, which in turn brings about a police reaction, creating a vicious circle of self-fulfilling prophecies, and the fear and media attention only increases the situation, this spiral also results in these panics lasting a draw longer than perhaps they should.The media uses the weapon of fear to stimulate mor al panics, they give the persuasion that firstly these deviant groups offer a threat to the norms, values and attitudes of the majority of society, and that a change will be brought about to peoples lives as these cannot be controlled. The media also gives acceptation to the view that moral standards are declining, and by exaggerating the crime paints the portrait of a coarse falling into a downward spiral. A conservative media article

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cici’s Pizza Research Paper Essay

Cici’s Pizza Research Paper Essay

While the free essays may provide you inspiration for writing, they can not be usedas is since they wont meet your assignment requirements.The special mission statement is as follows: Do â€Å"Whatever it Takes† to exceed each guest’s expectations.Background CiCi’s Enterprise is an American style buffet restaurant chain based in Coppell, Texas. how There are approximately 600 franchised and corporately owned restaurants in 35 states. The company was founded in 1985 in Plano, Texas by Joe Croce and Mike Cole.An argumentative first essay is among the many academic essay types.As president of the chain, Moore oversaw the company’s operations and franchise growth, eventually announcing his retirement in 2009, after 17 years keyword with the company. Michael Shumsky took over after Moore retired in late 2009. He had previously served as CEO of La Madeleine Restaurant, Inc. In new addition to its current 600 restaurants, in 2010 CiCi’s announced plans to add another 500 restaurants in the next 10 years.

Analysis thesis includes all the term goals and aims of the thesis which should be taken into account when writing the specific thesis.Environmental AnalysisSWOT The strengths of CiCi’s pizza make it one of the best in the industry. It offers a unique buffet experience with so many pizza varieties. Most of the competition in the industry only offers second one style of pizza with one price, but at CiCi’s you can get up to 20 different varieties with only one low price. If you don’t want to sit in the family oriented restaurant with the best customer service and eat then you have the option to order take out.Research is a kind of research conducted.Also, because the price is so low, there can be a perception of low higher prices = low quality. The one other thing that is holding CiCi’s back from being in the top five is that there is 15 states in the US that so not have a CiCi’s in them.Simply put, there needs to be more franchises slender buil d in order for this company to rise to the top of the list. (JMC Restaurant Distribution INC.

As an example, let us look at a few of the pizzas Pizza Hut has promoted.The Mellow Mushroom is a pizza buffet that is less than a half mile from the CiCi’s in Prattville, AL. Mellow Mushroom offers similar services but at a higher price. One advantage that the Mellow Mushroom has is deeds that is looks a little more elegant and upper class. People who are looking for more formal dinner experience would be likely to go to Mellow Mushroom.Last, it has always valued satisfaction and customer support.All these companies are within a 20 mile radius.In a lucrative market like the pizza one, the more competitors the better the customer service because it is so competitive. Market Analysis The pizza market can be very lucrative, therefore it is very competitive. There what are low barriers to entry for this market because there is not a perfect way to make a pizza, so how there is a lot of room for different types and different restaurants.

The way to guard yourself would be to do your homework.According to â€Å"Pizza Power†, PMQ magazine’s (Pizza Marketing Quarterly) Annual Industry Analysis, of the 67,554 pizza stores in the US, 59% are independently owned and control 51% of total pizza sales. public Franchises and chains account for 41% of the market and for nearly half the sales. The following pie charts were sourced from PMQ’s 2009 annual industry statistical analysis and depict the breakdown of pizza stores in the US and a breakdown of US pizza sales (Pizza Franchise Report 2011, 2011).CiCi’s pizza is included into the other very top chains 15%.Moreover, its crucial for a student to understand sides of an argument.This is compared to only 7% of those aged over 65 eating at least one pizza per month. Pizza also proved popular with parents. About 20% of the parents surveyed said that they purchase pizza more than three times per month, compared to 12% of adults with no children (Pi zza Franchise Report 2011, 2011). This customer group covers much of the target market for CiCi’s pizza.

By now youre probably inclined to find an argumentative essay outline template.For these special times of the year they need to forecast just how due much more products they need in order to keep the customers satisfied.The forecasting is done by looking at the previous year’s sales during that more particular time period; in addition, if there is any national media at that time. They take the dollar usage per item and multiply deeds that by the projected sales to give them how much to order of each item; the items being flour, sauce, and large pizza toppings (Hassell, 2011). Demand Forecasting cannot be done before there is a proper count of the inventory.Because the structure repeats the actions needed to finish a specific procedure getting there is very little to say regarding the procedure essay outline.The company as a whole tries to keep food cost percentages at 28% or lower, with labor cost of 18. 5% or lower (Hassell, 2011). Once the forecasting is done, then it is time to place the order. CiCi’s uses an online order management system called ESOS (Exhibition & Sponsorship Ordering System).

Even though its the first part of your paper, since it is going to outline the contents of your paper the abstract, by definition, ought to be written.CiCi’s has become such a powerful force in the pizza industry partly because of attention to detail in the transportation channel. They own their own transportation service.JMC restaurant distribution Inc. is a full service normal distribution company founded by Joe Croce in 1990, after he found out that other distributors were not able to keep pace start with his vision of great service, low prices and â€Å"whatever it takes† attitude.Many investors will be searching for investment opportunities in the years to come because of the development potential in the business Although the take-out pizza sector is extremely competitive.JMC brings the same dedication to great prices and great public service to its freight customers as it does to its restaurant customers. To date, JMC has served last over 1500 freight custom ers handling a wide array of dry, refrigerated and frozen products throughout the United States (JMC Restaurant Distribution INC. , 2011).Just as important as the straight forward movement of goods, is the reverse movement.

Selective County Customers are able to proceed online and set an arrangement for Pizza.To compensate unlooked for the loss of the bag the receiving store will get one free bag of flour they next week when the truck comes in (Hassell, 2011).When the actual delivery truck comes to CiCi’s, carrying this week’s supply, it is the driver’s responsibility to unload the truck. The employees at the restaurant do not help start with unloading. It takes about 45 minutes to completely get all the products off the truck and into the store (Hassell, 2011).Qualified for.Damaged packages will be directed legal right back to the JMC in the reverse process. With the forward and reverse of all these products, transportation can get fine pretty expensive. The facility locations are very important because of this. CiCi’s has a total of three distribution facilities that are strategically placed.

A job cited entry has to be contained at the close of the essay.(JMC Restaurant Distribution INC. , 2011) That is where the CiCi’s in Prattville Alabama gets all of its products. Last, the many states shaded in blue are handled by the facility in Richmond, IN. All the facility locations were made with the main roads, possible traffic, and distance in mind.Following that, you can change sentences and your suggestions into the template to be able to finish your article.â€Å"Hi, welcome to CiCi’s! † is the phrase that every employee must memorize and say to every customer that comes into the restaurant. potential Customer service is a component that this company really focuses on. On the website they have a list of guest promises that they stand by. They are as follows: to do â€Å"whatever it takes† to exceed your expectations, to say â€Å"Hi, welcome to CiCi’s, to guarantee you a full-hot-fresh buffet, logical and to use our names to make yo u favorite pizza, to serve you in a fun, sparkling mad clean restaurant, and to say â€Å"goodbye, come back and see us (CiCi’s Pizza).

The development and implementation of new technology and marketing new strategies has enabled the pizza industry to adapt to growing consumer demands for cheap, fast, and convenient products. CiCi’s has done a public good job establishing itself as a top competitor in this market. In order for CiCi’s to compete with the top pizza franchises in the market, such as Pizza Hut, they need to get more creative. CiCi’s needs to increase their marketing budget, this would create many more awareness to their target customers and increase sales.This great company has expanded from one restaurant in Plano, Texas to over 600 in 35 states in 25 years.That is a great accomplishment, and they are not done yet. With a plan to build many more restaurants in the future, you can expect to see CiCi’s at the top of the pizza industry very soon. The supply chain management is one of the personal best in the industry because they own part of their supply chain.Retrieved No vember 30, 2011, from wikipedia. com: http://en.’s_Pizza JMC Restaurant Distribution INC.html Pizza Franchise Report 2011. (2011).Retrieved late November 24, 2011, from Franchisedirect. com: http://www.